Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The real life.

The Blob is a 1988 monstor horror film which features a jelly-like substance (The Blob) that just gets bigger and bigger! But don't worry, my relation to it is just merely the blob factor, not the monster part! Haha! 

But in all seriousness, as of late, that truly is what I feel like. A big 'ole BLOB!! 

I was blessed a year ago to come across a program that works wonders called *P.I.N.K. Method. It was easy to follow and easy to stick to. In addition, I follow the creator of the program *(Cynthia Pasquella) both in social networking as well as a VIP email distribution. Since she released the P.I.N.K. Method, she has come out with a pretty amazing cookbook called Hungry Hottie, which I also have. And then lastly she supports a company called *SoCal Cleanse that is just a nutritional addition to the program that helps you meet your goals. When I started with PM it worked wonderfully for me, however, through unintentional downtime and my mind overrunning me, I slowly but surely stopped doing it. **See links in the paragraph above for more information on the programs mentioned**

Once I stopped with the program, I slowly but surely gained back everything I'd lost...and then some! (Me = Blob) I think that I was so happy with the results I was getting from PM that I felt like I could "stop dieting" and that my body would just "know" what to do to keep going and react the way I wanted it to. Um, wrong. How does the mind come up with these things? I have since realized that it isn't about "dieting", it's about changing your lifestyle. trite as that sounds! And quite honestly, I don't know anyone who would say that changing your entire lifestyle isn't a scary thing! The first thoughts I always had were, oh great, there goes anything that tastes good and what's going to happen with my chocolate obsession? And I will admit, those things are still in the back of my head but I am fighting through them daily knowing that the resources I have prove that healthy eating doesn't have to taste bad and you can still have those indulgences! (yes, you thought it as soon as you read moderation!)

So, as of January 21, I have started my venture to end my personal Blob horror story! I know the ins and outs of PM. I know I have to work hard to start moving along. I know that when I start seeing results that it doesn't mean time to stop, it means KEEP GOING! I'm trying hard and it's going to be a long road. But I am seeking inspiration in what I hope to be "new" ways. I joined the Biggest Loser contest here at work (also Jan.21) and currently am in the running to win $350 if I can be the biggest loser by April 15. As if just feeling better isn't enough, knowing I could win is even cooler! I know how hard it is to keep motivated, so if I can stick in there strong for 3 whole months...surely I would have smashed a slew of my inner demons that have previously held me back and maybe win some $$!! BONUS, at that point, maybe I would venture into buying a swimsuit for summer...which I haven't done in years!!! 

Stay tuned, I am absolutely positive there will be some bumpy roads on this journey and Lord knows I will need this outlet to vent it and keep pushing on! 

1. It's okay to mess up...just keep going!
2. Reward yourself, you deserve it!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Since we've slid into 2013, there have been a lot of things cross my mind and I think to myself,  - I'ma <---slang for "I'm going to" DO that! Some will call my ideas resolutions (I don't), and some will call them a weak bucket list (again, I don't)...for me it's a simple I'ma DO that list! 

Number One on my list is to try to believe at least one out of ten of all the photos/quotes I post! This one I especially like because it was almost as though I wrote it myself!
Number Two on my list is to force myself to buy new colors of clothing. Okay, okay...let me say it more truthfully...force myself to buy a color outside of black/blue/grey at least once or twice. My entire wardrobe is nothing but black and blue and grey, seriously. I recently have found that I have NO red clothing items, NO green clothing items, NO purple clothing items, NO yellow clothing yeah, you get the point. This could prove to be quite a took me nearly a half an hour to find this shirt online as an option for something "colored" and something I would actually wear. The concept for me is pretty scary overall...I am going to have to work on this early!

Number Three is that I want to learn something new!! It seems like I am always in the way of the same old things. I do the same thing, I surround myself with the same things, etc. I have actually already started on this so I won't say anymore until I end up with a finished product. I have had something particular in mind for awhile now and prior to completing this post, I ran across exactly what I needed to get started. So stay tuned on that! 

Number Four is pretty out there for me but I'm going to say it anyway and hope I have the courage to give it a whirl. I want to grow something that you would find in a garden. I'm not going to go so far as to say that I would have an actual complete garden. I would at least like to try a few items. I remember when I was little that my grandma had strawberries and tomatoes out back. Those two things would be a good start. Maybe also some potatoes? So when spring comes around, don't be surprised to hear me asking a gazillion gardening questions because I have no clue and I've never exactly been accused of having a green thumb!

Number Five is that I want to face and conquer something hard. I mean something really difficult. I have this really annoying tendency that when I get disinterested in something, I just leave it where it lies and move on. Of course I fully realize the reason for my eventual disinterest is merely because it becomes hard and I've brainwashed myself into thinking that I cannot possibly come out on top in any situation. Yes, I am fully aware that I am always waiting for the bottom to drop out (that's an entirely separate blog post in the waiting). Anyway, I want to this with what I feel like is the hardest thing for me. Going back to eating/looking/feeling healthy. It's like a curse once you slip into Blob mode (see Blob post soon) that it buries you in negativity that very few ever dig out of but I plan to. And just how the hell am I gonna do that you ask? The Biggest Loser! Yup, where I work is having a Biggest Loser contest! It starts on January 21 and ends on April 15. First place will take home HALF of all the monies collected. Just to give you an idea of how much that could be, entry into the contest is $20. So if only five people entered and I won, I'd win back my entry plus thirty bucks! So now the mantra begins...I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT!!! 

Top 5..."I'ma gonna do's" to hoping I don't have to call myself a liar later. Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

One small step at a time...

There seems to be this mountain in front of me. I think it's been there for awhile but I successfully have been able to ignore it. As days go on, the mountain has surfaced from the shadows and is becoming clearer. I for sure know now that it's there. I for sure know that I will need to climb it. 

Today, I think that I made a step towards it. However little, perhaps miniscule that step may be. I made one. 

Many many more to go.